How do translations work ?

If you are a Premium user, you can create translations of your Web resumes linking to each other⚠️ Warning

DoYouBuzz does not offer a translation service (manual or automated); what we do is give you access to "templates" for different languages where the titles, the ux... are translated in the desired language.

How does it show on your resume ?

On your resume, having one or more translations is shown with a little flag (usually in the top right corner but that can vary from one design to the other). You can navigate through your translations by choosing in this flag which language you want to see.

How can I link two resumes?

  1. You need 2 resumes in a different language, both of them configured as Web
  2. On your dashboard, open the "Configure menu" of one of these resumes:
  3. On the configuration page, choose the CV to be linked
  4. Save.

And voilà, your two resumes will be linked together.

Possible issues

When you set up a translation, we check that the links between your resumes are working correctly: a resume in a language can't be linked to another resume in the same language.

"A translation already exists in French (Chef de projet)"

This means that you are trying to change a resume's language while there is already a translation in this language.

To fix this, you can unlink the translation from the main resume by clicking on the name of the translation resume, then going to "Settings" where you can choose "None" in the "This resume is the translation of" list.

"The Gerente de Proyecto resume is already translated in French (Chef de projet)"

This means that you are trying to create a translation of a resume, while this language already is used in the existing translations of said resume..

Here for example, we have a resume in spanish ("Gerente de Proyecto"), and we try to link it to a french resume while there is already a french translation associated.

To fix this you can unlink the translation from the main resume by clicking on the name of the translation resume, then going to "Settings" where you can choose "None"in the "This resume is the translation of" list.